With the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we know it’s a challenging time for everyone.
In recent years, corporate giving and volunteering has been on the rise, as is competition for companies’ attention and resources. As corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs become more specific and strategic, nonprofits that craft customized partnership strategies arethe most successful in securing corporate funding.
Given the changes and challenges the coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought to our sector, nonprofits considering corporate funding as a revenue stream need to be more focused and strategic than ever in their approach. This session will cover how to prospect companies for partnership, build corporate relationships, and design/pitch customized partnerships that meet the needs and interests of all parties.
Build a targeted and strategic corporate prospect list
Plan a unique cultivation strategy for each prospect on your list
Craft a customized partnership pitch for prospects that have shown interest through cultivation
Hospitals are attracting hundreds or even thousands of donors to your hospital during the COVID-19 crisis. But now what?
How are you going to keep these new donors engaged and connected – and giving?
How can you sort who is a one-time donor and who will stay for the long-haul – through 2020 and beyond? Who should you invest time and resources into and how do you anticipate the needs and connections as we move through contingency into recovery?
In this webinar, we will review the key areas of focus for hospital foundations to help you inspire these donors to give again, connect in a deeper way and stay with you.
Through multiple examples and case studies, we will share how others have been facilitating on-boarding, bridging to mission priorities and engaging people to do more in preparation for Q4 and 2021. We will demonstrate how your new donors, who have been inspired to your front-line cause during the COVID-19 crisis through multiple sources, are not like your previously new donors. And we will demonstrate the key to donor experience, as so many have given through digital channels.
If you have been successful in attracting new supporters to your hospital, then you owe them and yourselves to do everything you can to increase your engagement with them, inspire them to give again and move into higher value giving. Please join us for this important discussion about sustained long-term growth for your health care organization.
Who among us at the beginning of this year had any idea how different our lives, our work and our focus would be just six months later? With all the uncertainty we all face, what do we know about fundraising in crises? What do we know about healthcare fundraising right now, and what can we expect in the future? How have hospitals around the country adapted in order to be successful in this brave new world? Learn what AHP is hearing from members, what AHP is seeing in their own data, and what we’re all learning about how to navigate these very uncertain times.
PRESENTER: Alice Ayres is President and CEO of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) where she brings deep health care industry knowledge and strong marketing skills to the role. Prior to joining AHP, Alice served as Chief Revenue Officer at Knowledge to Practice (K2P), an early-stage company creating an alternative to cardiology continuing education, where she worked closely with leaders at the top training hospitals across the United States. Previous to K2P, Alice served as an executive director with The Advisory Board Company, a global research, technology, and consulting membership organization that partners with 4,500 organizations and more than 200,000 leaders across health care. Prior to joining The Advisory Board Company, Alice held marketing leadership roles at consumer-driven marketing companies including Kraft Foods and a wireless start-up called Kajeet. Additionally, Alice was a senior director at The Atlantic, leading the marketing and sales team for AtlanticLive, the media outlet’s live events group. She received her MBA from The Kellogg Graduate School of Management and her bachelor’s degree from Princeton University.