Philanthropy Event Calendar
The CS Philanthropy Event Calendar is a service of Chase Solutions Inc. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource to find and share educational conferences, events and webinars related to philanthropy. We are featuring virtual learning opportunities that focus on philanthropy during the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting global healthcare and economic crisis. Times are indeed different. If you have an upcoming event to share, click the green button below. Postings are free for nonprofits and nonprofit industry associations. A modest fee is charged for vendor and consultant postings (email Dave Chase for fees).
The Philanthropy Event Calendar includes filters and sorting options to help you find the right event.
By default, the calendar is sorted by the date an event begins. The filters above the calendar allow you to limit the type of event, the state for live events or webinar for web delivery, the organization, consultant or vendor offering the event, and month and year. There is also a text box where you can search for text like “Chicago” or “AFP” (unless you are looking for a specific month, you should set the month drop down to “ALL MONTHS” when you search).
Launched May 17, 2018 as a free service for fundraising industry organizations.
The calendar is a free service for organizations like AFP, AHP, APRA, CASE, NEDRA and NEAHP for now. There is a nominal fee for consultants and vendors who provide seminars, workshops, conferences and webinars. Thanks! Dave Chase, CEO of Chase Solutions Inc.