Online Webinar on recovering from Covid-19 economic devastation

The global coronavirus pandemic has caused many nonprofits to shutter programs, send staff home, lay off personnel, and redeploy resources in the face of the COVID-19 threat. No organization was immune from having to make quick decisions, some affecting their very survival.

As the nation attempts to get back closer to “normal”, nonprofit leaders are asking new questions about resumption and resilience. Perhaps no one in the country has thought more about nonprofit risks than Melanie Herman, Executive Director of the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. She has prepared a list of the top 10 strategies to follow in restoring and revitalizing your nonprofit organization, not only for the immediate future, but for the long-term ability to pursue your mission. Join us for an illuminating discussion of these strategies and ask directly how to better position your organization to thrive in the new normal.

Presented by: Don Kramer, Editor and Publisher, Nonprofit Issues, and Melanie Lockwood Herman, Executive Director, Nonprofit Risk Management Center

Moderated by: Tish Mogan, Standards for Excellence Director, PANO

Visit our Philanthropy Events Calendar for more webinars related to fundraising during Covid-19 economic crisis. Maintained by Chase Solutions inc.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn have left nonprofits reeling; many are struggling to operate in spite of lost revenue, stay in touch with anxious donors, and meet increased demand for services. As your nonprofit adapts to the crisis, one group of donors may offer a lifeline: women.

Studies show that women are more likely than men to support health care, communities, and families — all causes critical to the response. Plus, women at all income levels give more generously than men at similar levels.

How can you tap into the generosity of women donors, especially during this crisis?

Join us for a 75-minute webinar that will explain how to adapt your fundraising strategy to prioritize women. Three expert guests will share easy and effective ways to identify women who may support your cause, cultivate them as donors, and build stronger ties to inspire greater giving over time.

Melissa Effron Hayek, head of the women in philanthropy program at the University of California at Los Angeles, will share samples of donor communications that deliver — including examples of how to adapt messages during the pandemic. Hayek also will offer proven approaches for thanking women donors and building community and deepening their involvement in your organization.

Consultant Kathleen Loehr, a recognized expert on women’s philanthropy, will share insights on female philanthropists and what motivates them to give and outline key steps to take to cultivate women supporters. She’ll also explain which fundraising tactics are resonating with women during these unprecedented times and offer advice on how to persuade leaders to invest in ― and foster a culture that values ― women’s giving.

Jennifer Filla, a veteran fundraiser and prospect researcher, will explain how to find wealthy women inclined to support your cause, tap your networks for leads, assess giving capacity in light of the stock-market volatility, and create a smart strategy for building ties with prospective donors. She’ll also highlight dos and don’ts for tweaking your existing fundraising efforts to include women.

What will you learn?

  • How to identify women with the potential to give large sums to your nonprofit
  • Ways to create fundraising communications that resonate with women, even during the pandemic
  • How to deepen your connections with female donors and inspire greater giving over time


Director, Women & Philanthropy
University of California at Los Angeles

President, Aspire Research Group
CEO, Prospect Research Institute

Senior Consultant
Aspen Leadership Group

This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Visit our Philanthropy Events Calendar for more webinars related to fundraising during Covid-19 economic crisis. Maintained by Chase Solutions inc.

Many donors have stepped up in a big way to help you respond to the pandemic. How can you show your thanks, keep donors involved in your work, and strengthen these relationships moving forward? Fewer than 40 percent of nonprofits properly thank their supporters, research shows, so it’s not surprising that many stop giving from one year to the next. In this 75-minute session at 2-3:15 PM ET, our expert guests will share creative ways to show your appreciation to donors, so you can keep them in the fold as your organization recovers from this crisis ― and even inspire greater giving. 

This webinar is worth 1.25 CFRE credits.

Visit our Philanthropy Events Calendar for more webinars related to fundraising during Covid-19 economic crisis. Maintained by Chase Solutions inc.